How can a choreographer best support a dancer for dance performances?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Independent Component 2

(a) I student affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

(b) Anais Bolden, iPoly sophomore.

(c) Log

(d) Anais just joined dance team and she wanted help with catching up and being at the level of everyone else, so I basically helped her complete that task. I worked on her technique, showed her the basics of both tahiti and flags.


Tahiti dancing is not something achieved overnight, it takes work and the right work. I will update this blog post with pictures.


The I.C. helped me understand my second answer, Keeping an open communication between dancer and choreographer, I had to understand her limits and push her but not over work her. I also had to gain her trust and comfort before being able to criticize her movements. It also supported my third answer, Choreographer keep innovative teaching techniques, because sometimes she didn't always understand what I wanted from her or how to do the movement.

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