How can a choreographer best support a dancer for dance performances?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Second Interview Questions

  1. Have you always been a dancer?
  2. How long have you been a dance judge?
  3. Which dance do you prefer to instruct? Why?
  4. What do you teach your students to do to prepare so they can perform well?
  5. Describe what you aim for while teaching a dance.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Working EQ

The Pentagon:
(1) Positive Statement: I have become a better dancer though service learning.

(2) EQ Content: A part of my research would be when I learned that the body language in motions, facial expression and eyes are a giveaway on the dancer's emotions. That allowed me to understand on where dancers should focus on when preparing.

(3) Worked for me: I think the service learning has taught me the most and gives me an idea to how dancers are prepared for performances.

(4) Hasn't worked: Research has told me what I already learned during service learning. I think I need to open up my topic a little more.

(5a) How could I gather information on the audiences opinion to prove my statements correct? Are the things that make an overwhelming dancer natural talent or can they be learned?

(5b) I want to be a stand out dancer and learn my body and how far I can push the limits more.

(5c) I would like to talk to a choreographer that is now mainly a judge so she can give me the in tell on what she looks for in a performance.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Problem Statement

1. Dance Performance

2. Too many injuries caused from not a proper warm-up, once I solve this I will teach the proper warm-up and stretches to girls in the studio I work at.

3. Dancer forgets routine while performing. To solve this, I would figure out a away that I could teach a dance and repeat it enough to get muscle memory so a dancer is able to perform and let the music flow through.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Blog 3: Interview Preperation

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  Why?
I plan to interview my summer mentor because she has a great deal of experience with performances in front of a seated audience, a parade and competitions.

2.  You have to ask 5 questions.  What additional questions do you plan to ask?  Ask open-ended questions.  
What is the most important thing, in your opinion, during a dance performance?
How can a dancer improve her/his presentation skills?
Tell me about what you think stands out during a performance

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Blog 2: Dance Performance

a. My topic is dance performance and what it takes to make a good one and leave the audience in awe. I chose this because last year I joined iPoly's dance team and really payed attention to the little details that make a well routine. I had the skill but not the details. Seeing as how dance has always been a big part of my life, I couldn't believe I overlooked this. 

  • iPoly Citizen:  I plan to help other girls in the dance team with what I've learned from my mentorship. I don;t have to limit this to dance team, I can help my peers with in class presentations by explaining to them that little details can make a big difference.
  • Effective Communicator:  I plan to uses different methods of communicating and trying to get my point across, especially in presentation.
  • Effective Learner: I plan to use my creativity to the fullest and not limit myself. A dance has costume, music, and choreography to make a good routine. But when she/he uses body language and facial expression it pleases an audience. I want to give this project my all as I would at a performance.
  • Effective User of Technology: I plan to go out of the box with power points such as using music like a dancer and such.